A Drop-in Coffee Morning run by our Well-Being Group.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy coffee/tea and biscuits and to chat through problems, or just to enjoy time with friends.
Our Digital Buddies team are here every week to teach you how to use mobile phones, laptops, PCs and tablets more effectively. Help with booking NHS appointments and online banking is available. The Hall has an internet connection so we can show you how to get online.
Information for Carers is always available and we can advise on where to go for help and advice.
£2.50 per session. Enquiries to Lorna on 01379 677796.
Something to blow away the cobwebs and get a little exercise after the excesses of the Christmas Season!
We've organised a walk around the village on New Year's Day - we'll be starting at the Hall from 10am, but you can join in from wherever you like. The route options are shown above - hopefully there's something for every ability/inclination. You'll need wellies as it's likely to be wet, and please bring a change of footwear for inside, to protect the Hall floor.
The aim is to be back at the Hall from around 11am for a lovely brunch buffet, prepared by some of our volunteers. We're planning bacon rolls, sausage, egg, beans, veggy options, lashings of toast and marmalade, plus cereals and orange juice for those who prefer a lighter option. Tea and coffee will be available, and the bar will also be open for those who need something …
Short Mat Bowls, played in the Main Hall.
A sociable event where beginners are welcome.
£3.00 per session, including a coffee break.
The Tibenham Branch of the Women's Institute meet on the first Wednesday of each month.
Prize Bingo - a fun evening for all the family.
Free entry, pay for the cards you want to play.
Doors open 7pm, eyes down from 7.30pm.
Light refreshments available, including mince pies and mulled wine, and the bar will be open.
A privately run workshop.
Contact Teri Lockton on 01379 740117 or 07770 210064 for more information.
£5 a pitch (sellers arrive 9am), inside and outside spaces available.
Open 10am to 12noon. Free entry for buyers. Refreshments will be available.
Call Heather on 07305 052029 to book your pitch. Limited number of pitches available, so book early.
Annual Public Meeting of Tibenham Parish Council. All welcome.
Our ever popular Quiz Night with resident Quiz Master Alan is back again, so swot up on your general knowledge!
Teams of up to 6 people - don't worry if you can't make up a team, there are always spaces for extras to join in.
Entry £5 per person. No need to book. Food is not included but the bar will be open from 6.30pm for drinks and snacks, with the quiz starting at 7.30pm.
Tibenham Community Hall Annual General Meeting.
Reports will be presented on the past year's activities and the Hall's financial position.
Come along and find out what we've been up to, what our plans are for the coming year, and how you may be able to help. This is your Hall and your chance to have a say in its future.
All residents of the village, plus users of the Hall from outside Tibenham, are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be available after the meeting.
A Drop-in Coffee Morning run by our Well Being Group.
We are also able to offer a free lunch of hot soup and bread roll to attendees of all sessions until the end of March 2024, as a result of the Winter Pressures grant given to us by South Norfolk Council.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy coffee/tea and biscuits and to chat through problems, or just enjoy time with friends.
Information for Carers is always available and we can advise on where to go for help and advice.
£2.50 per session. Enquiries to Lorna on 01379 677796.
Annual Wellbeing Event
Our annual Wellbeing Event where we invite guest speakers and representatives from local agencies to discuss issues affecting our community and find out where we can get help.
All welcome.
Prize Bingo - a fun evening for all the family.
Free entry, pay for the cards you want to play.
Doors open 6.30pm, eyes down from 7.30pm.
Light refreshments available and the bar will be open.
Tibenham presents ... a Christmas Cabaret.
Our annual Christmas celebration featuring live music, dance and comedy from lots of local talent.
Licensed bar opens from 6pm, Curtain Up 7.30pm
Adults £8, Under-16s £4.
To book: Tel: 07368 174816 or Email: tibenham.arts@gmail.com
Access to the Hall will be restricted due to building works taking place in the grounds.
The Hall will be closed during the day on Tuesday and Wednesday 29-30 August.
The carpark may be closed during the day on Thursday and Friday 31 August - 1 September.
This summer marks 20 years since the Community Hall was opened, so we will be celebrating that anniversary as we enjoy our annual Family Fun Day.
Competitions and games for children and adults, with prizes to be won!
Refreshments will be available - Dainty's Kitchen and Rossi Ice Cream will be there, and the WI are providing drinks and cake - and the bar will be open.
If anyone is willing to volunteer to run a game, please let us know! Contact Tracy on 07825 771551.
A Night of Hollywood and Broadway - another stunning production from Magnificent Musicals, featuring local singers and performers and the Sound Voices Choir.
Tickets £8 adults, £4 under 16s. Book by emailing tibenham.arts@gmail.com.
Doors and bar open from 7pm, Curtain up 7.30pm.
Our regular Wellbeing Event - further details to follow shortly.
As this is our last session before Christmas, we're extending the Coffee Morning today and will be providing a light lunch of home-made soup and sandwiches for those who wish to stay.